Everyday Sacred, Featured, Personal Growth

Take a Moment

“Just give me a moment.”

I say it all the time to my kids.  My kids who always seem to have an urgent need that can’t wait.

“Mom! MOM!  Where are you?”

And I think, “Can’t I just have a moment here please.”

I’m usually in the middle of something… making dinner, trying to stay on top of this life at home with kids, trying to get a little bit of work done in the midst of my life at home, maybe even in the bathroom.

“Just a moment!” is my usual response.

I feel like my moments are not mine anymore.  Everyone wants a claim on them.  Everyone wants to press their needs onto the moments that make up my day.  Their moments, their needs press into my moments and I feel like I am losing my mind just a bit.

And so I often think, “I just need a moment.”

But a moment to what?

To finish a task?  To have space to myself? To not be needed right now?

What do I need in the moment I so long for?

A song recently has spoken to me about what I need most in that moment I ask for when I say, “Just give me a moment.”  This song by a band I have fallen in love with recently reminds me what I need in every moment of every single tick of the clock that makes up my day…

“Take a moment to remember
Who God is and who I am…”

These words, I hear them, and they bring me back to center.  They remind me what I really need in the moment…

(push play and listen as you read 🙂)

Take a moment to remember
Who God is and who I am
There You go lifting my load again

Take a moment to remember
Who God is and who I am
There You go lifting my load again

No longer am I held by
The yoke of this world
Come up under the yoke of Jesus
His yoke is easy and His burden is so light
His burden is so light

You’re lifting my load
You’re lifting my load

No longer am I held by
The yoke of this world
Come up under the yoke of Jesus
His yoke is easy and His burden is so light

Your love carries
Your love carries me
Out of valleys and the darkest places

Do you ever feel like you just need a moment?

Do you ever feel others and their needs pressing in on your moments?

Do you every feel like the stuff of your day seems to bury you?

The needs, the tasks, the worries of your day, it all becomes a load too great for you to carry and you think, “Just give me a moment here!

Maybe what I need in the moments of my days – in those moments where the needs press in on me, in the moments where I feel like I am losing my mind – maybe what I need is NOT one less thing to do, or just a second of silence, or to not be needed.

These things, they may help me for just that moment, but is this really what will carry me through every moment that makes up the fullness of my days and weeks and months and years?

While these things would be nice, what will carry me in the moments that make up my life is to take a moment to remember who God is.

Remember who God is, the one who holds every moment and every need.
Remember who God is, the one who sustains our every breath.
Remember who God is, the one who lifts the load when it feels too heavy.
Remember who God is, the one whose love carries us on the bright shining days and the dark valley days.

And I need to take a moment to remember who I am… Beloved, Claimed by God, Held, Strengthen by His Hand Not My Own, Not Alone, Called and Equipped by God for the Tasks of My Life.

This is who I am.

Take a moment… to remember who God is and who I am.  This is all that is needed in every moment of every day that makes up our life.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
Matthew 11:28-29

And there He goes… lifting my load again…


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