
In the Mood for Impossible Things

hands reachingWe all have them…those scared-to-get-out-of-the-boat places… those places we feel boxed in by fear… those places in our lives we look at and think, “I don’t see how I can overcome this.”

I’ve been thinking about those impossible places in my life, those places where I don’t see how things will ever change, those places I am losing hope.  Those places where Jesus is telling me to have faith, to trust him, but I am scared.  What if I sink?  What if this takes me under?

I was sitting with these as I came into my spiritual direction session recently… these impossible things.

I was holding these impossible things as I was invited into silence… invited to listen… as my director reads…

Jesus called out to them saying, “Courage!  It is I! Do not be afraid.” It was Peter who answered, “Lord,” he said, “if it is you, tell me to come to you across the water.” Jesus said, “Come…”
Matthew 14:27-29

Come, walk on the water with me!
I’m in the mood for impossible things!
Take out your heart of courage,
a lamp amid your fears
and walk on the water with me.

Let’s touch everything we see
and change it to hope
Our hearts let’s change to flesh (Ezekiel 36:26)
No more stones of apathy for us!

Let’s look at everything that could be
believing it will be
if we dare
to walk on water
scared and hopeful.

Come, walk on the water with me!
Let’s wrap our fears in hope.
Across these waters we must go
our lamps of courage high
Scared and hopeful we will go.

At the beginning of this water journey
we’ll be careful
but not too careful.
Being too careful is for the very scared.
The Kingdom of Heaven is not found
in being overly cautious
but in taking chances.

Come, walk on the water with me!
Hold high your lamp of courage
Put all your doubts away
Let’s take a chance on staying up.

Come, walk on the water with me!
I’m in the mood for impossible things.
I feed scared
because it is impossible
I feel hopeful
because it is not impossible (Mark 9:24)
So, scared and hopeful
we will walk.

Walk on the water with me!

And this poem by Macrina Wiederkehr speaks to my heart.  Through her words God offers the invitation to walk on the water that I’m afraid will take me under.

It has me thinking it’s okay to be scared and hopeful.  Like the father who cries out, “I believe, help my unbelief!”

It has me thinking that maybe I can take a chance on our God who is always in the mood for impossible things.

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26


1 thought on “In the Mood for Impossible Things

  1. Janise, I love this, especially “the kingdom of heaven is not found in being overly cautious but in taking chances.” This is something God has been showing me lately. Thanks for sharing, sweet friend!

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